Power up - Canzone di Barbie nel mondo dei videogames

Power up - Testo della canzone del film di animazione "Barbie nel mondo dei videogames" interpretata�da The Math Club feat. Jordyn Kane


Power up - Canzone di Barbie nel mondo dei videogames

Power up - Testo della canzone del film di animazione "Barbie nel mondo dei videogames" interpretata�da The Math Club feat. Jordyn Kane

"Power Up" è una canzone presetni nel film di animazione Barbie nel mondo dei videogames ( Barbie Video Game Hero ).

È la quinta traccia della colonna sonora del film ed ha una durata di 3:04 minuti.

Questa canzone è stata scritta da Jordyn Kane , Brayden Deskins, Colton Fisher, Jason Rabinowitz, Mansa Wakili, Kelli Wakili , Jaron Lamot, Rayna Zernell, interpretata da The Math Club feat. Jordyn Kane , ed è stata prodotto da The Math Club.

Segue il testo

Power up Lyrics

If you wanna fly
Spread your wings and reach the sky
If you wanna drive
Grab the keys and come alive
If you wanna dance
Shake it off and wave your hands in the air

Cause you're in control
You're unstoppable
And right now it's your chance

Play how you wanna
How, how you wanna
Play how you wanna
Play how you wanna play

Power up, you're in control
You can take it to the next level

Play how you wanna
How, how you wanna
Play how you wanna
How, how you wanna

Life's what you make it
Yours for the taking
Play how you wanna
Play how you wanna play

If you wanna sing
Grab the mic and do your thing
If you wanna swim
Cannonball and just dive in
If you wanna dance
Shake it off and wave your hands in the air

Cause you're in control
You're unstoppable
And right now it's your chance

Play how you wanna
How, how you wanna
Play how you wanna
Play how you wanna play

Power up, you're in control
You can take it to the next level

Play how you wanna
How, how you wanna
Play how you wanna
How, how you wanna

Life's what you make it
Yours for the taking
Play how you wanna
Play how you wanna play

Play how you wanna play
Play how you wanna play
Play how you wanna 
Play how you wanna 

Play how you wanna
How, how you wanna
Play how you wanna
Play how you wanna play
Power up, you're in control
You can take it to the next level

Play how you wanna
How, how you wanna
Play how you wanna
How, how you wanna

Life's what you make it
Yours for the taking
Play how you wanna
Play how you wanna play

Power up, you're in control
You can take it to the next level

Life's what you make it
Yours for the taking
Play how you wanna
Play how you wanna play




Barbie nel mondo dei videogames

Barbie nel mondo dei videogame scopri i personaggi, guarda il trailer e scopri la trama, le immagini e molto di pi� del film di animazione di Barbie

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